Hāwea Domain

A new planting site with the potential for many native plants to go in the ground, and the introduction of many native species. This project is part of the bigger reserve management plan project led by Queenstown Lakes District Council.

Wānaka Primary school native garden

The project was about creating a reference native plant garden for the students. Since 2013, we have organised many maintenance sessions with the kids and their parents, and we replanted some plants. It is a great resource to learn about native plants and the environment.

Gunn Road wetland (Albert Town)

This project is about reintroducing native wetland species. The site is located along the Clutha Mata-au river, and is a small wetland, which allows us to plant a variety of riparian plants.

Gunn Road Bike Park (Albert Town)

This new site will bring more native plants near the bike park. It will enhance the local biodiversity and provide more food and shelter for the native birds and invertebrates.

A watering system is set up to help the plants over the hot and dry summer months.

Roy’s Bay East

This project starts 200m after the marina and continues towards Eely Point. In 2017, a group of year 9 students initiated a project called “E tipu e rea – Grow the new generation”. They grew native plants and planted them at a site near the marina.

In 2023, the project continued and 250 plants were planted further along the track to enhance the native habitat and replant where willows had been felled. The planting site will be looked after by the Urban Catchment Group.

Lismore Park – bike park

The Lismore Bike Park had a massive freshen up this year. As part of the project, we planted some native plants with Bike Wānaka and many students from the local college. Because of the tall trees already in place, we were able to plant understory native species such as wineberries and tree fuschias.